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Direct or indirect democracy

1. Modern democracy

 Democracy often lead to mobocracy from a long time ago.
Recently science and technology are highly developing, so that now it's possible for the government to monitor all people in the country.
Some people say that a communist party of China can lead the people and develop the country better than other countries which are based on the traditional democracy.

I think that it's a matter of degree.
There are many ways to reflect public opinion in various countries.
But, recently Chinese President Xi Jinping has defeated so many political opponents by anti-corruption campaign, and he removed the term limits for the President.
The collective leadership system which successive leaders have followed might be lost.

2. Power tends to corrupt

 Some scholars have advocated that philosophers should rule the country.
Plato said that philosopher king could rule the country very well.
But, I think that democracy has been better than the other systems until now.
We have to monitor the government to stop the corruption.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men..." (By John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton)

Every organization tends to corrupt.
In Japan, many big companies make a personnel change to prevent the corruption.
The system which prevents the corruption is very important and necessary for all organizations.

3. Directness or indirectness

 We have to prevent the corruption and protect democracy to develop the economy.
In order to avoid mobocracy, it's important to balance between directness and indirectness of democracy.
Direct democracy has higher risk than indirect democracy.
If we lose the carefulness, mobocracy will lead to the ruin of the country.
・About democracy:
・Evolution and politics:

To read this article in Japanese

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