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Evolution and politics

1. Liberty, equality, fraternity

 'Liberty, equality, fraternity' were the motto of the French Revolution.
I'd like to use the word 'happiness' instead of 'fraternity'.
Liberty, equality, happiness are the core values of political philosophy.

We know the trade-off relationship between freedom and equality.
We had the period of Cold War between the Eastern Bloc and the Western Bloc after World War II.
Liberalism and capitalism vs. communism (socialism).

It's said that in communism society, people don't have an incentive to compete, the society loses the energy and can't make a progress.
Market mechanism doesn't work, materials are too much or too little, the economy can't develop.

2. Freedom and equality

 If people can compete freely, someone will succeed, someone will fail.
The rich will be richer, the poor will be poorer.
Communists or socialists criticized the early modern capitalism.
Recently some people are criticizing the neoliberalism because it increased the gap between rich and poor.

There are two kinds of equality.
Equality of opportunity or equality of result.
If we have same opportunity, we can try, and some people will succeed.
Unfortunately some people will fail, but they should be saved by the social safety net.
The society should have the minimum standard of safety net, which guarantees equality of result within the standard.

3. Utilitarianism

 I'd like to explain utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham again.
・Jeremy Bentham:
・About justice:

In the eighteenth-century Britain, the noble class could ignore the human rights of the poor.
But utilitarianist could think that people had same amount of happiness.
Whether the noble or the poor, a person is a person.
It means equality.

Harm principle which comes from utilitarianism is the essence of liberalism.
And utilitarianist thinks that freedom and equality could make people increase the happiness each other.

4. Freedom and happiness

 Please make sure that we also have the trade-off relationship between freedom and happiness.

"Science and technology will make it possible for the government to monitor all people in the country.
If all people are under surveillance, they can't commit any crime."

"If all people are under surveillance, they lose freedom.
But if all people can't commit any crime, they can live in a happy society.
It means the trade-off relationship between freedom and happiness."
(About democracy)

5. Equality and happiness

 Humans get angry if they are treated unequally.
It may be the nature of humans as the sapiens.

Before-during the war Japanese couldn't be against militarism.
Many people had lost their husbands, their sons, thier fathers.
No one could get away from the situation.

If someone got away, other people would blame and attack them.
Because humans get angry if they are treated unequally.
And humans can be patient with their unhappiness if others are also unhappy.
It's sad truth.

6. End of evolution

 Many strong countries have lost their powers in the history of the world.
Some countries had disappeared from the history of the world.
But America has been the strongest country in the world after the war.

America is a democratic country.
People in the democratic country can change the policy of the government, and stop the corruption by voting in the election.

"It isn't the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change."

Highly improved democracy may be a most responsive forms of government.
Is it the end of the evolution?
No, the evolution of politics will continue untill the end of the sapiens.

To read this article in Japanese

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