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The World Inside a Pillow

In Kaiguan 7.
There was a daoshi named Lu Weng, who had learned the art of Taoism.
On his way to Handan, he was resting in an inn.
As he sat there, taking off his hat and loosening his sash and leaning against his luggage bag, he saw a young man walking down the street.
His name was Lu Sheng, and he was riding a black horse, dressed in coarse, short clothes, and was going to the fields.
He also stopped at the inn and sat on the same seat as Lu Weng and was talking happily.

They talked happily for a while, but when Lu Sheng saw that his clothes were shabby, he let out a long sigh and said,
Lu Sheng: "I was born as a man, and yet I am in such distress that I have not been able to achieve success."
Lu Weng: "You didn't seem to be suffering from any sickness or other problems, and you were talking happily just now.
What are you suffering and lamenting about?"
Lu Sheng: "I'm just living.
I can't really say that I am enjoying life."
Lu Weng: "If you can't call this a good life, then what is the happiness of life?"
Lu Sheng: "If a person is born into the world as a man, they should make a name for themselves with merit. When they leave the imperial court, they should be a general, and in the imperial court, they should be a chancellor.
They would enjoy luxurious meals, listen to beautiful songs, and their family would prosper and become richer and richer.
If we can lead such a life, we can truly say that it is a good life.
I used to be an academic, and I excelled in the arts and sciences, and at the time I thought it was possible for me to become a high-ranking official.
I'm already 30 years old, and I still live my life working in the fields.
Isn't it natural for me to suffer in this kind of life?"
When Lu Sheng finished saying this, he suddenly felt sleepy and decided to lie down for a bit.
The innkeeper was just about to steam the millet at that moment.
Lu Weng fished out a pillow from his luggage bag and said to Lu Sheng as he handed it to him.
Lu Weng: "Sleep on this pillow.
You will be able to enjoy the success in life as you desire."

It was a celadon pillow with a hole at each end.
As Lu Sheng rested his head on the pillow, the hole gradually grew larger and brighter.
He raised his body and entered the hole and arrived at his home.
A few months later, he took the daughter of the Cui clan of Qinghe as his wife.
The daughter's appearance was very beautiful and his fortune grew richer and richer, much to his delight.
His clothes and carriage became more and more luxurious by the day.
The next year, he was recommended to take the Imperial Examination, and he passed the exam and was appointed as an officer.
By the Special Examination System, He was transferred to the governor of Weinan-xian.
Soon afterwards, he was transferred to the JianchaYushi, and then to the QijuSheren, Zhizhigao.
3 years later, he was transferred to the same province as a governor, and then to Xiazhou as a governor.
Lu Sheng was good at civil engineering projects, and he dug a canal 80 miles from Xiaxi to build a waterway.
The local people were grateful to him and set up a stone monument to commemorate Lu Sheng's achievements.
From there, he moved to Bianzhou, was appointed as the Caifangshi of Henan-dao, and was later recalled to the capital and became the JingzhaoYin.
In that year, Emperor Shenwu had just conquered Yidi and was about to expand his territory.
Ximoluo of Tubo and Mangbuzhi of Zhulong had attacked Quazhou and Shazhou, and Jiedushi Wang Junchan had been killed, and the regions of the Yellow River and the Huangshui River were in turmoil.
The emperor took his talents as a general into consideration, and Lu Sheng was finally appointed as the YushiZhongcheng, Jiedushi of Henan-dao.
He defeated many foreign tribes, beheaded 7,000 people, expanded his territory by 900 miles, and built three great castles to fortify the key strategic position.
The frontiersmen erected a stone monument on Mt. Juyan to praise his achievements.
When he returned to the imperial court, he was honored for his achievements and received a great debt of gratitude.
He was transferred to the Libushilang and then to the HubuShangshu and Yushidaifu.
A man of integrity and dignity was desired at the time, and he gained the trust of the people.
He was greatly disliked by the chancellor of the time, and after being slandered, he was relegated to the position of the governor of Duanzhou.
3 years later, he was recalled to the capital and became the Changshi.
He was soon to become the TongzhongshuMenxiapingzhangshi.
Together with Xiao Song of Zhongshuling and Pei Guangting of Shizhong, he was in charge of the government for more than 10 years, and he received 3 orders a day about the national projects, or secret orders from the emperor.
He was known as the Wise Chancellor because of his ability to encourage good and admonish evil, and to speak his mind without hiding.
His colleagues hated him, and falsely accused him of plotting treason by colluding with a frontier general.
By order of the emperor, he was dismissed, and when a government official came to the gate of Lu Sheng's residence with his retinue, there was no choice but to arrest him.
Fearful and unsure of what to do, Lu Sheng said to his wife and children,
Lu Sheng: "When I lived in Shandong, I had 5 good fields which was enough to keep out the cold and hunger.
What did I have to worry about to serve?
Now that it is like this, even if I wanted to ride a black horse in shabby short clothes to Handan, it is no longer possible for me to do so."
Lu Sheng drew his sword and attempted to cut his own head off.
His wife stopped him from doing this, and he was able to avoid death.
All the men involved in the incident were sentenced to death, but Lu Sheng was saved by the eunuch's protection, and he was exiled to Huanzhou.
A few years later, the emperor realized that he had been falsely accused and reinstated Lu Sheng as the Zhongshuling.
Lu Sheng was knighted as the Duke of Yan and received special favors from the emperor.
Lu Sheng had 5 sons, whose names were respectively called Jian, Chuan, Wei, Ti, Yi. All of whom were talented and capable.
Jian passed the Imperial Examination and became the Kaogongyuan. Chuan became the Shiyushi. Wei became the Taichangcheng. Ti became the governor of Wannian-xian.
Yi was the wisest and at the age of 28, he became the Zuoxiang.
All his sons and daughters are of the prestigious family.
He had more than 10 grandchildren.

Lu Sheng was exiled to the frontier twice and became the chancellor twice, traveling between central and local government positions and holding important positions.
For more than 50 years, he was at the height of his prosperity.
He was naturally extravagant by nature and loved to entertain himself, and the ladies in his inner circle were all first-class beauties.
The rich fields, mansions, beautiful women, and famous horses given by the emperor were too numerous to count.

Later, when he was old and gradually declining, he asked for his resignation, but was not allowed to do so.
When he fell ill, eunuchs came to visit him one by one, and he was provided with all the best doctors and superior medicines.
At the time of his death, Lu Sheng wrote a superscription.
Lu Sheng: "I was originally a scholar in Shandong and enjoyed working in the fields.
By chance, I came across the Emperor's reign and was able to take up a government position.
I received undue praise and special favors, which enabled me to leave the imperial court and set up its banner, and then join the imperial court and become the chancellor.
I traveled in and out of the imperial court for many years.
Although I received favors from the Emperor, I could not even assist the Emperor in indoctrinating the people.
I lived in fear every day, fearing that I would do harm to my unworthy status, not realizing how old I had become.
This year, I am over 80 years old.
I have reached the rank of the Sangong.
My life is short, my muscles and bones are aging, my illnesses are getting worse and worse, and I am just waiting for the time to pass.
In retrospect, I have failed to repay the Emperor's virtues through my achievements, and in vain I have disobeyed the deepest blessings of the Emperor, leaving the world of the excellent Emperor for good.
I am extremely longing for you, and I cannot bear it.
I humbly offer my apologies in this respectful letter."
The emperor issued the imperial edict and said,
Emperor: "By your superior virtue, you have become my chancellor.
You have calmed the provinces after leaving the court and led the people to a world where they could live in peace.
24 years of peace in this world were truly due to your help.
You were recently taken ill and I thought you would be cured every day.
I had no idea that you were seriously ill. I feel truly sorry for you.
I will now order the PiaoqiGreatGeneral, Gao Lishi to visit you at your residence.
Do your best to treat yourself and love yourself for me.
Please do not hesitate to take good care of yourself and hope that you will be cured."
In the evening of this day, Lu Sheng died.

Lu Sheng yawned and woke up to find himself lying in the inn, with Lu Weng sitting beside him.
The innkeeper was still steaming the millet. It's not steamed up yet and everything around him was still in its original state.
Lu Sheng sprang up, stood up, and said,
Lu Sheng: "What a dream it was!"
Lu Weng said to Lu Sheng.
Lu Weng: "Happiness in life is also like this."
Lu Sheng was mortified for a while.
Then he thanked him.
Lu Sheng: "I've learned the path of favor and shame, the luck of poverty and prosperity, the logic of success and failure, the love of death and life, I've learned everything I need to know.
This is the reason why Sensei was able to restrain my greed.
I humbly accept your teachings!"

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