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 So Wildcat took off his black satin clothes, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and took Ichiro's hand.
The carriage attendant was also happy, and he snapped his whip five or six times.
Wildcat said.
"Thank you very much.
You have taken care of such a terrible trial in just a minute and a half.
Please become an honorary judge of my court from now on.
When you receive a postcard, please come here.
I will thank you each time."
"Yes, sir. No need to thank me."
"No, please let me thank you. Because it would affect my character.
And from now on, I will write "Kaneta Ichiro-dono" on the postcard, and write "the court" which means us. OK?"

 Ichiro said, "Yes, that's fine."
Wildcat was still twisting his whiskers and blinking his eyes as if he wanted to say something.
But finally, he seemed to have made up his mind and said.
"And as for the phrase on the postcard, how about this.
There is a case. You should appear in court tomorrow."

 Ichiro laughed and said.
"Well, that's a little strange. I don't think that's a good idea."

 Wildcat twisted his whiskers and looked down for a while, as if he was disappointed that he hadn't said it better.
He finally gave up and said.
"So let's keep the phrase the same as before.
Today's thank you gift. Which do you like better, about 2 liters of golden acorns or a salted salmon head?"
"I like the golden acorns."

 Wildcat said to the carriage attendant quickly, as if he was glad it was not a salmon head.
"Bring 2 liters of golden acorns as soon as possible. If you don't have enough, mix in some plated acorns. Hurry up."

 The carriage attendant measured the acorns just before, and shouted.
"Just 2 liters."

 Wildcat's surcoat rattled in the wind.
Then Wildcat stretched out wide, closed his eyes, half yawned, and said.
"All right. Hurry up and get the carriage ready."
A carriage made of large white mushroom was pulled out, with a funny gray horse.
"Come on, let's take you home." Wildcat said.
They got into the carriage and the attendant put the box of acorns into the carriage.

 He snapped his whip.

 The carriage pulled away from the meadow.
The trees and bushes swayed like smoke.
Ichiro looked at the golden acorns, and Wildcat, with a dazed look on his face, looked off into the distance.

 As the carriage proceeded, the acorns gradually became less bright.
When the carriage stopped, the acorns had turned into ordinary brown acorns.
And Wildcat's yellow surcoat, the carriage attendant, and the mushroom carriage were all out of sight at once.
Ichirou stood in front of his house, holding a box filled with acorns.

 After that, he did not receive any more postcards from Wildcat.
Ichiro sometimes wonders if he should have told him it was OK to write 'should appear in court'.

- To return to table of contents of Acorns and Wildcat

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