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Chapter 3

 Travelers and people going to town saw what looked like a money box hanging from a camellia tree under Shintanomune.
There was a sign on it that read.
"I would like to dig a well here for travelers to drink from.
If you are so inclined, please donate any amount you can."

 This was the work of Kaizou-san.
For the next five or six days, Kaizou-san lay on his stomach on the cliff facing the camellia tree, with only his head sticking out from scotch brooms, watching the people give their donations.

 Soon, an old woman came from Handa, pushing a baby carriage.
She was probably on her way home from selling flowers.
The old woman looked at the box and looked at the sign for a while.
But she didn't read the words. She said to herself.
"Why is there a money box here? There is no Jizo or anything?" Then the old woman went away.

 Kaizou-san placed his chin, which had been resting on his right hand, on his left hand.

 This time, a bow-legged old man came from the village.
"This is the grandfather of Shohei-san. He must be able to read, even if he is also an old person."

 The grandfather looked at the box.
Then he said, "What is it?" He stretched out his back and began to read the sign.
When he read it, he said, "Oh, I see. Hmmm, I see." He was very impressed.
Then he started to look in his pocket, so Kaizou-san thought he was going to give a donation.
But he took out an old cigarette case.
The grandfather smoked a cigarette at the base of a camellia tree and went away.

 Kaizou-san got up and slid down to the camellia tree.

 He picked up the box and shook it. There was no response whatsoever.

 Disappointed, Kaizou-san let out a sigh.
"In the end, I realized that I can't rely on others. When it comes down to it, I'm going to do it on my own."
And saying so, Kaizou-san went up Shintanomune.

- To return to table of contents of A camellia tree to which a cow was tethered

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