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Chapter 6

 When Tu Tze-chun heard the voice, he found that he was still standing blankly under the western gate of Luoyang, bathed in the setting sun.
The hazy sky, the white crescent moon, the incessant waves of people and cars――Everything looked the same as before he went to Mt. Emei.
"What do you think? You cannot be a hermit even if you become my disciple."

 The old man with a strabismus in one eye said with a hint of a smile.
"I can't. I can't, but I'm also glad that I didn't."

 Tu Tze-chun, with tears still in his eyes, grabbed the old man's hand involuntarily and said.
"Even if I were to become a hermit, I would not remain silent to see my parents whipped in front of that Senluodian in the hell."
"If you had remained silent――" Tie Guanzi suddenly turned his face stern, and looked at Tu Tze-chun.
"If you had remained silent, I was going to take your life immediately.
――You don't even have the desire to become a hermit anymore.
You must not be interested in becoming a rich person anymore.
So, what do you think you should be afterwards?"
"I'm going to live a human, honest life, no matter what I become."

 Tu Tze-chun's voice was filled with a clearer tone than ever before.
"Remember those words. Then from today, I will never see you again."

 Before Tie Guanzi could finish, he had already started to walk away.
However, he suddenly stopped again and looked back at Tu Tze-chun.
"Oh, fortunately, now I remember, I have a house in the southern foothills of Mt. Tai.
I'll give you the house and the field, so you can go and live in it.
Right about now, there will be peach blossoms all around the house."
He said it with a smile.

- To return to table of contents of Tu Tze-chun

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