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Chapter 6

 It was noon, near the end of spring, when fireworks were shot up from Shintanomune and burst into the slightly dull sky.

 A procession from the village came down Shintanomune.
At the head of the procession was a soldier wearing black clothes and a black and yellow hat.
That was Kaizou-san.

 There was a camellia tree on the side of the road down Shintanomune.
The flowers had fallen and the young leaves were soft and light green.
On the other side, there was a new well under the cliff which had been a little carved out.

 When they reached this point, the procession came to a halt.
It was because Kaizou-san had stopped at the front.
Two small children on their way home from school were drawing water from the well, and drinking the beautiful water.
Kaizou-san watched them with a smile on his face.
"I think I'll go and drink too."

 When the children were finished, Kaizou-san went to the well.

 When he looked inside, he saw that the new well was filled with fresh water.
Just like that, joy was welling up in the heart of Kaizou-san.

 Kaizou-san drew some water and drank it.
"I have nothing more to think about. For I have left behind something useful for others, even though it is a small work."
Kaizou-san felt like grabbing anyone who would listen to him.
But instead of saying that, he just smiled and walked up the hill toward the town.

 Japan and Russia were beginning their battle across the sea.
Kaizou-san crossed the sea and entered into the battle.

- To return to table of contents of A camellia tree to which a cow was tethered

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