Today's Chinese character of Japanese is "酒".
This Chinese character means sake, alcohol.
You can watch how to write this. - (「酒」の書き順(筆順)動画 - 漢字書き順辞典)
There are 2 main ways to read this, "さけ" or "しゅ".
For example, "日本酒 (にほんしゅ)" means Japanese rice wine.
"ぶどう酒 (ぶどうしゅ)" means wine.
But Japanese usually call wine as "ワイン (わいん)".
"飲酒 (いんしゅ)" means drink alcohol.
Drunk driving is a crime.
Drunk driving is "飲酒運転 (いんしゅうんてん)" in Japanese.
"運転 (うんてん)" means driving in this context.
Drunk driving is punished severely, especially these days.
This Chinese character means sake, alcohol.
You can watch how to write this. - (「酒」の書き順(筆順)動画 - 漢字書き順辞典)
There are 2 main ways to read this, "さけ" or "しゅ".
For example, "日本酒 (にほんしゅ)" means Japanese rice wine.
"ぶどう酒 (ぶどうしゅ)" means wine.
But Japanese usually call wine as "ワイン (わいん)".
"飲酒 (いんしゅ)" means drink alcohol.
Drunk driving is a crime.
Drunk driving is "飲酒運転 (いんしゅうんてん)" in Japanese.
"運転 (うんてん)" means driving in this context.
Drunk driving is punished severely, especially these days.
By Higashi-Mikawa Kyōjindō Shujin (東三河狂人堂主人)