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Constitution of the People's Republic of China (1982)【Self-made Index】


Chapter I【General Principles】

Article 1【People's Democratic Dictatorship, Socialism, Leadership by the Communist Party of China】
Article 2【Sovereignty of the People, People's Congresses】
Article 3【Principle of Democratic Centralism, Administrative and Judicial Organs and People's Congresses, Leadership of Central Authorities and Initiative of Local Authorities】
Article 4 【Ethnic Equality, Ethnic Policy, Rights and Autonomy of All Ethnic Minorities】
Article 5【Socialist Law-based Governance, Supremacy of the Constitution, Compliance Obligation】
Article 6【Socialist Public Ownership of the Means of Production, Distribution System in the Primary Stage of Socialism】
Article 7【State Sector of the Economy】
Article 8【Urban and Rural Collective Economic Organizations】
Article 9 【Ownership, Use and Protection of Natural Resources】
Article 10【Ownership of Land, Expropriation and Compensation, Land-use Rights】
Article 11【Lawful Non-public economic sectors】
Article 12【Sacred and Inviolable Socialist Public Property】
Article 13【Lawful Private Property, Ownership and Inheritance Rights, Public Interest and Expropriation and Compensation】
Article 14【Development of Social Productive Forces, Strict Economy, Accumulation and Consumption, Sound Social Security System】
Article 15【Socialist Market Economy, Macro Regulation, Maintenance of Socioeconomic order】
Article 16【Autonomy and Democracy of State-owned Enterprises】
Article 17【Autonomy and Democracy of Collective Economic Organizations】
Article 18【Permission for Investment and Economic Cooperation of Foreign Enterprises, Compliance Obligation and Protection by Laws】
Article 19【Education Policy, School System, Educational Facilities, Encouragement of Educational Programs, Common Speech (Putonghua)】
Article 20【Encouragement of Science and Technology】
Article 21【Medical and Public Health Services, Promotion of Public Sports Activities】
Article 22【Promotion of Public Cultural Activities, Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage】
Article 23【Training of Specialized Personnel in Socialist Modernization】
Article 24【Widely Accessible Education on Ideals, Morality, Culture, Discipline and Law, Core Socialist Values, Civic Virtues, Patriotism, Collectivism, Internationalism, and Communism, Dialectical and Historical Materialism】
Article 25【Family Planning】
Article 26【Protection of Living and Ecological Environment, Prevention of Pollution, Protection of Forests】
Article 27【Principle of Lean and Efficient Administration of State Organs, Work Responsibility System, System of Employee Training and Evaluation, Service to the People, Public Pledge of Allegiance to the Constitution of State Employees】
Article 28【Maintenance of Public Order, Suppression of Criminal Activities, Punishment and Reform of Criminals】
Article 29【Armed Forces of the People's Republic of China and their Missions, Revolutionization, Modernization and Regularization of Armed Forces, Strengthening of National Defense Capabilities】
Article 30【Administrative Areas, Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Cities Directly under Central Government Jurisdiction, Ethnic Autonomous Areas】
Article 31【Special Administrative Regions】
Article 32【Protection of the Rights and Interests of Foreigners, Compliance Obligation of Foreigners, Asylum for Refugees】

Chapter II【Fundamental Rights and Obligations of Citizens】

Article 33【Civil Rights, Equality before the Law, Respect and Protection of Human Rights, Rights and Obligations of Citizen】
Article 34【Right to Vote and Stand for Election】
Article 35【Freedom of Speech, Press, Assembly, Association, Procession and Demonstration】
Article 36【Freedom of Religion, Prohibition of Religious Discrimination, Protection of Normal Religious Activities, Religious Groups and Foreign Forces】
Article 37【Personal Freedom, Arrest by Public Security Organ, Prohibition of Unlawful Restriction and Unlawful Search of Person】
Article 38【Personal Dignity, Prohibition of Insult, Libel, or False Accusation】
Article 39【Prohibition of Unlawful Search of or Intrusion into a Citizen's Home】
Article 40【Freedom and Confidentiality of Correspondence of Citizens】
Article 41【Right of Complaints, charges or reports, Right to Receive Compensation】
Article 42【Right and Obligation to Work, Labor Policy, Socialist Work Contests, Pre-employment Training】
Article 43【Right of Working People to Rest, Rest and Recuperation Facilities, Systems for Working Hours and Vacations】
Article 44【Retirement System for Employees, Livelihood Security for Retirees】
Article 45【Social Insurance, Social Relief and Medical and Health Services, Livelihood Security for Disabled Military Personnel, Pensions to the Families of Martyrs, Assistance for the Physically Disabled】
Article 46【Right and Obligation to Receive Education】
Article 47【Freedom of Cultural Activities, Encouragement and Assistance for Cultural Activities】
Article 48【Equality between Men and Women, Protection of Women's Rights and Interests】
Article 49【Protection of Marriage, Families, Mothers and Children, Family Planning, Obligation to Raise and Educate Children, Obligation to Support Parents, Freedom of Marriage, Prohibition of Mistreatment of the Elderly, Women and Children】
Article 50【Protection of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Chinese Nationals Overseas】
Article 51【Exercise of Civil Rights and the Interests of the State, Society and Collectives (Public Interest)】
Article 52【Safeguard of National Unity and Solidarity of All Ethnic Groups】
Article 53【Obligation of Citizen】
Article 54【Obligation to Safeguard the Security, Honor and Interests of the Motherland】
Article 55【Defense of the Motherland, Military Service】
Article 56【Obligation to Pay Taxes】

Chapter III【State Institutions】

Section 1【The National People's Congress】

Article 57【Highest State Organ of Power, Standing Committee】
Article 58【Legislative Power】
Article 59【Composition of the National People's Congress, Ethnic Minority Deputies, Election, Quorum and Procedures of Election】
Article 60【Term of Office (5 years), Election, Postponement and Extension of Term of Office due to Extraordinary Circumstances】
Article 61【Session, Convocation, Extraordinary Convocation, Presidium】
Article 62【Functions of the National People's Congress】
Article 63【Removal from Office by the National People's Congress】
Article 64【Amendments to the Constitution, Laws and Other Proposals】
Article 65【Composition of the Standing Committee, Ethnic Minority Deputies, Election and Removal of Members, Prohibition of Additional Post】
Article 66【Term of Office of the Standing Committee, Prohibition of Consecutive Terms of the Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons】
Article 67【Functions of the Standing Committee】
Article 68【Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons and Secretary General of the Executive Committee, Council of Chairpersons】
Article 69【Responsibility of the Standing Committee to the National People's Congress】
Article 70【Special Committees】
Article 71【Investigation Committee】
Article 72【Functions of Deputies to the National People's Congress and Members of the Standing Committee to Submit Proposals】
Article 73【Functions of Deputies to the National People's Congress and Members of the Standing Committee to Submit Inquiries to the State Council】
Article 74【Immunity of Deputies to the National People's Congress from Arrest】
Article 75【Immunity of Deputies to the National People's Congress from Legal Liability of Statements and Votes】
Article 76【Responsibility of Deputies to the National People's Congress, Service to the People】
Article 77【Oversight and Removal by the Constituent Body】
Article 78【Organization of the National People's Congress and Standing Committee】

Section 2【The President of the People's Republic of China】

Article 79【Election of the President and Vice President, Right to Vote and Stand for Election, Term of Office】
Article 80【Functions of the President】
Article 81【Functions of the President to Represent the People's Republic of China Externally】
Article 82【Vice President】
Article 83【Term of Exercise of Functions of the President and Vice President】
Article 84【In Case of Vacancy of the President or Vice President】

Section 3【The State Council】

Article 85【Central People's Government, Highest State Administrative Organ】
Article 86【Composition and Organization of the State Council, Premier Responsibility System】
Article 87【Term of Office, Prohibition of Consecutive Terms of the Premier, Vice Premiers and State Councilors】
Article 88【Functions of Premier, Vice Premiers and State Councilors, State Council Executive Meetings】
Article 89【Functions of the State Council】
Article 90【Functions of State Council Ministers of Ministries and Commissions, Functions of Ministries and Commissions】
Article 91【Audit Office】
Article 92【Responsibility of the State Council to the National People's Congress (Standing Committee)】

Section 4【The Central Military Commission】

Article 93【Functions, Composition and Term of Office of the Central Military Commission】
Article 94【Responsibility of the Chairperson of the Central Military Commission to the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee】

Section 5【Local People's Congresses at All Levels and Local People's Governments at All Levels】

Article 95【Organization of Local People's Congresses and Governments at All Levels, Organization of Autonomous Organs】
Article 96【Local People's Congresses at All Levels and Standing Committees as Local State Organs of Power】
Article 97【Election, Quorum and Procedures of Election】
Article 98【Term of Office (5 years)】
Article 99【Functions of Local People's Congresses at All Levels, Ethnic Township People's Congresses and Ethnic Characteristics】
Article 100【Functions of People's Congresses and the Standing Committees of Provinces and Cities Directly under Central Government Jurisdiction, Functions of People's Congresses  and the Standing Committees of Cities Divided into Districts】
Article 101【Election and Removal of Office by Local People's Congresses at All Levels】
Article 102【Oversight and Removal by the Constituent Body (Constituencies)】
Article 103【Composition and Responsibility of the Standing Committees of Local People's Congresses at and above the County Level, Election and Removal of Members, Prohibition of Additional Post】
Article 104【Functions of Standing Committees of Local People's Congresses at and above the County Level】
Article 105【Local People's Governments as Local State Administrative Organs at All Levels, Responsibility System】
Article 106【Term of Office】
Article 107【Functions of People's Governments at and above the County Level, Functions of People's Governments of Townships, Ethnic Townships and Towns, Establishment of Townships, Ethnic Townships and Towns and the Geographic Division】
Article 108【Direction by Local People's Governments at and above the County level】
Article 109【Local Audit Offices at All Levels】
Article 110【Responsibility of Local People's Governments to the People's Congresses (Standing Committees) at All Levels, Responsibility to State Administrative Organs at the Next Level up, Unified Leadership by the State Council】
Article 111【Urban and Rural Residents Committees or Villagers Committees, Election of Committee Chairpersons, Vice Chairpersons and Members, Functions of Residents Committees and Villagers Committees】

Section 6【Autonomous Organs of Ethnic Autonomous Areas】

Article 112【People's Congresses and Governments of Autonomous Regions, Prefectures and Counties as Autonomous Organs】
Article 113【Deputies of People's Congresses of Autonomous Regions, Prefectures and Counties, Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committees】
Article 114【Governor of Autonomous Region, Prefect of Autonomous Prefecture, Head of Autonomous County】
Article 115【Functions of Autonomous Organs of Autonomous Regions, Prefectures and Counties】
Article 116【Functions of People's Congresses of Ethnic Autonomous Areas, Enforcement of Autonomous Regulations and Local-specific Regulations】
Article 117【Functions of Autonomous Organs of Ethnic Autonomous Areas to Manage Local Finances】
Article 118【Local Economic Development in Ethnic Autonomous Areas】
Article 119【Autonomous Management of Undertakings in Ethnic Autonomous Areas, Protection of Cultural Heritage, Development of Ethnic Culture】
Article 120【Local Public Security Units of Ethnic Autonomous Areas】
Article 121【Performance of Duties of Autonomous Organs in Ethnic Autonomous Areas, Spoken and Written Language】
Article 122【State Assistance to Ethnic Minorities, Economic and Cultural Development, Training of Officials, Specialized Personnel and Technical Workers】

Section 7【Commissions of Supervision】

Article 123【Commissions of Supervision at All Levels as Supervisory Organs of the State】
Article 124【Composition of National Commission of Supervision and Local Commissions of Supervision at All Levels, Term of Office, Prohibition of Consecutive Terms of Chairperson of the National Commission of Supervision, Organization and Functions of Commissions of Supervision】
Article 125【National Commission of Supervision, Highest Supervisory Organ, Direction by Commissions of Supervision at Higher Levels】
Article 126【Responsibility of National Commission of Supervision to the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee, Responsibility of Local Commissions of Supervision at All Levels】
Article 127【Functions of Commissions of Supervision, Relationship between Supervisory Organs and Other Organs】

Section 8【People's Courts and People's Procuratorates】

Article 128【People's Courts as Adjudicatory Organs of the State】
Article 129【Supreme People's Court and Local People's Courts at All levels, Military Courts and Other Special People's Courts, Term of office of the President of the Supreme People's Court, Prohibition of Consecutive Terms of the President, Organization of People's Courts】
Article 130【Public Trial, Right to Defense】
Article 131【Independence of Jurisdiction】
Article 132【Supreme People's Court, Highest Adjudicatory Organ, Oversight by People's Courts at Higher Levels】
Article 133【Responsibility of the Supreme People's Court to the National People's Congress and Standing Committee, Responsibility of Local People's Courts at All Levels】
Article 134【People's Procuratorates as Legal Oversight Organs of the State】
Article 135【Supreme People's Procuratorate and Local People's Procuratorates at All Levels, Military Procuratorates and Other Special People's Procuratorates, Term of Office of the Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Prohibition of Consecutive Terms of the Procurator General, Organization of People's Procuratorates】
Article 136【Independence of Prosecutor's Office】
Article 137【Supreme People's Procuratorate, Highest Procuratorial Organ, Direction by People's Procuratorates at Higher Levels】
Article 138【Responsibility of the Supreme People's Procuratorate to the National People's Congress and Standing Committee, Responsibility of Local People's Procuratorates at All Levels】
Article 139【Spoken and Written Languages in Court Proceedings, Legal Interpreter】
Article 140【Relationship between People's Courts, People's Procuratorates and Public Security Organs】

Chapter IV【The National Flag, National Anthem, National Emblem and the Capital】

Article 141【National Flag (Red Flag with Five Stars), National Anthem (March of the Volunteers)】
Article 142【National Emblem】

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