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Mission of humanity

1. Someone's value

 To be happy, we should find the value of ourselves, and live according to it.
・Adler's psychology:

In general, parents influence their children.
Children inherit genes, way to live and cultural capital from their parents.

Children copy the value of their parents.
Maybe we can analyze it evolutionarily using the methods of social science.

2. Study and sport

 Parents are glad if their children do their best in study or sport.
Especially parents hope that their children study hard.

But most of them won't become scientists, scholars, athletes.
Some of them will work at a company, some of them will become civil servants.

In general, people in Japan study hard until they graduate from college, and then they work hard at a company until they retire.

3. Mission of humanity

 I hope that it become popular to keep studying or learning for our whole lives in Japan.

Writing this article, I remembered the words of Master Keaton.
"People should continue to learn for their whole lives. People have curiosity and the joy of knowledge. In order to receive degrees and titles, and to become a minister, that required learnings, didn't it?... So, why shall people continue to learn? ...Because that is the mission of humanity." (From Master Keaton, Taichi Hiraga-Keaton)
For your information, it's from "Paris Under the Roof".

This is not a logic but a passion.

To read this article in Japanese

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