Today's Chinese character of Japanese is "人".
This Chinese character means person.
You can watch how to write this. - (「人」の書き順(筆順)動画 - 漢字書き順辞典)
There are 3 ways to read this, "ひと" or "じん" or "にん".
When this is combined with other Chinese character or word, this is often read as "じん" or "にん".
"人口 (じんこう)" means population of people.
"口 (こう, くち)" means mouth.
"人間 (にんげん)" means human.
"日本人 (にほんじん)" means Japanese, and "アメリカ人 (あめりかじん)" means American.
When you count people, "人" is read as "にん".
For example, "10人 (じゅうにん)", "100人 (ひゃくにん)", "1000人 (せんにん)".
"人々 (ひとびと)" means people.
"々" means the same Chinese character as the previous one.
Japanese usually don't write as "人人", but write as "人々".
"人" is very simple Chinese character, but very useful.
This Chinese character means person.
You can watch how to write this. - (「人」の書き順(筆順)動画 - 漢字書き順辞典)
There are 3 ways to read this, "ひと" or "じん" or "にん".
When this is combined with other Chinese character or word, this is often read as "じん" or "にん".
"人口 (じんこう)" means population of people.
"口 (こう, くち)" means mouth.
"人間 (にんげん)" means human.
"日本人 (にほんじん)" means Japanese, and "アメリカ人 (あめりかじん)" means American.
When you count people, "人" is read as "にん".
For example, "10人 (じゅうにん)", "100人 (ひゃくにん)", "1000人 (せんにん)".
"人々 (ひとびと)" means people.
"々" means the same Chinese character as the previous one.
Japanese usually don't write as "人人", but write as "人々".
"人" is very simple Chinese character, but very useful.
By Higashi-Mikawa Kyōjindō Shujin (東三河狂人堂主人)