Today's Chinese character of Japanese is "答".
This Chinese character means answer.
You can watch how to write this. - (「答」の書き順(筆順)動画 - 漢字書き順辞典)
There are 3 ways to read this, "こたえ (答え)" or "こたえる (答える)" or "とう".
"答える (こたえる)" is a verb which means answer.
When this is combined with other Chinese characters, this is often read as "とう".
For example, "答案 (とうあん)" means examination paper.
"解答 (かいとう)" means answer, solution.
"回答 (かいとう)" means answer, reply.
In school, answers are required.
In society, there are some questions that do not have answers.
This Chinese character means answer.
You can watch how to write this. - (「答」の書き順(筆順)動画 - 漢字書き順辞典)
There are 3 ways to read this, "こたえ (答え)" or "こたえる (答える)" or "とう".
"答える (こたえる)" is a verb which means answer.
When this is combined with other Chinese characters, this is often read as "とう".
For example, "答案 (とうあん)" means examination paper.
"解答 (かいとう)" means answer, solution.
"回答 (かいとう)" means answer, reply.
In school, answers are required.
In society, there are some questions that do not have answers.
By Higashi-Mikawa Kyōjindō Shujin (東三河狂人堂主人)