
AnimeManga119 アニメまんが119 ザンビア憲法和訳119 ジンバブエ憲法和訳117 ケニア憲法和訳114 高認数学過去問113 Literature109 ドミニカ共和国憲法和訳84 ウルグアイ憲法和訳82 オンライン補習塾80 タンザニア憲法和訳74 Education71 JapaneseHistory70 ナミビア憲法和訳70 日本史70 Story69 物語69 マラウイ憲法和訳66 各国憲法インデックス和訳56 ペルー憲法和訳51 パラグアイ憲法和訳50 高認化学過去問49 高認物理過去問49 ボツワナ憲法和訳48 ホンジュラス憲法和訳47 ルワンダ憲法和訳47 メキシコ憲法和訳46 グアテマラ憲法和訳45 チリ憲法和訳45 フリーランス時代44 Blog43 パナマ憲法和訳43 古文・漢文41 ChineseHistory40 中国史40 エルサルバドル憲法和訳38 スーダン憲法和訳34 ニカラグア憲法和訳33 法律和訳33 行政書士時代32 派遣エンジニア・設備管理技術者時代27 DragonBall26 ドラゴンボール26 第二種電工数学入門講座26 Ghibli25 Gundam25 アルゼンチン憲法和訳25 ガンダム25 ジブリ25 WebLog23 Game22 TarotCard22 ゲーム22 タロットカード22 論文和訳19 Alternatives18 健康・医療18 FamousPerson15 有名人15 Dai14 WorldHistory14 ダイの大冒険14 世界史14 海運会社員時代13 JapaneseRealEstateLaw12 不動産法入門講座12 NPO職員時代11 Hokuto10 RurouniKenshin10 るろうに剣心10 不動産営業時代10 北斗の拳10 学習進度10 ココナラ8 Treemapping7 ツリーマップ7 Poetry5
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 This lecture was an overview of the real estate legal system in Japan.

 At the time when positivism was popular in the world of science, the world of law also adopted the idea, and legal positivism and pure jurisprudence became popular.
It's the topic of legal philosophy.
However, I believe that law is not something that exists suspended in the air from the ground of the real social economy and its history.

Talking about history, politics is called political history, economy is called economic history, and law is called legal history.
Different countries have different cultures and histories, and different laws and systems.
The same is true for real estate legal systems.
For example, whether or not an ordinary citizen can own land as an individual.
Even if they can, what kind of restrictions are there?
Is it a country with a private property system in the first place?

 It has been understood that the Cold War was an ideological struggle between liberal and communist countries.
But that's just one way of looking at it.
Whether or not to accept the private property system, it can be considered as a matter of degree, which is the principle or the exception.

If freedom and democracy are guaranteed to some extent, each entity can act freely in a free market, and the economy will grow and develop.
It can be argued that today's global economic development has been made possible by the existence of various ideas in the world, including capitalism, socialism, and communism.

 In Japan, the laws, systems, morals, and common sense taught by adults are just what is currently accepted in this country at this time.
Just by going outside of the prefecture, you may even experience a mild culture shock.
When you go abroad, the laws themselves are different from those in Japan.

It's not just laws.
Politics, economy, culture, history, food, language, and so on.
Some scholars claim that the difference in language also defines the way of thinking itself.
Believe it or not, it's up to you!
So, let's end. Thank you.

- To read this article in Japanese
- To return to Introductory course in Japanese real estate laws

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