Today's Chinese character of Japanese is "算".
This Chinese character means count, arithmetic.
You can watch how to write this. - (「算」の書き順(筆順)動画 - 漢字書き順辞典)
This Chinese character is usually read as "さん".
For example, "算数 (さんすう)" means basic mathematics taught in elementary school.
"計算 (けいさん)" means calculation.
The basics of mathematics are the four arithmetic operations.
"たし算 (たしざん)" means addition.
"ひき算 (ひきざん)" means subtraction.
"かけ算 (かけざん)" means multiplication.
"わり算 (わりざん)" means division.
This Chinese character means count, arithmetic.
You can watch how to write this. - (「算」の書き順(筆順)動画 - 漢字書き順辞典)
This Chinese character is usually read as "さん".
For example, "算数 (さんすう)" means basic mathematics taught in elementary school.
"計算 (けいさん)" means calculation.
The basics of mathematics are the four arithmetic operations.
"たし算 (たしざん)" means addition.
"ひき算 (ひきざん)" means subtraction.
"かけ算 (かけざん)" means multiplication.
"わり算 (わりざん)" means division.
By Higashi-Mikawa Kyōjindō Shujin (東三河狂人堂主人)