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The Man from Dalian

1. Dalian City

 He quitted the company where he had worked after graduating from college to study in China.
He was in his mid-twenties and came to Dalian with a longing to go abroad.
It was his first time abroad.
Everything he saw and heard was new to him, and every day was a series of new discoveries and experiences.

Since he was planning to study abroad for a year to learn Chinese, he was able to study the basics of Chinese with his classmates from many different countries at school.
He was enjoying his life in China, buying and eating at stores and food stalls, shopping at supermarkets, and so on.
But after a few months, he went crazy.

2. Auditory hallucinations and delusions

 He was severely confused by auditory hallucinations and the delusions that were constructed by the mental illness.
Although auditory hallucinations are created by the brain, it's impossible to distinguish them from actual sounds and conversations.
Such auditory hallucinations were completely confused with the actual sounds and conversations he heard.

Suppose you hear a conversation between classmates coming from outside the door.
The auditory hallucination is mixed in with the actual conversation that you hear.
And in order to make sense of the strange information given by the auditory hallucination, you construct a strange fantasy that you would not normally consider.

3. "007" happened only in his brain

 Suppose, for example, that some crazy information is input into your brain, such as "you are being targeted by someone" or "there is some activity by suspicious agents around you".
You will then think and act 'rationally' to survive even if this is true.

This makes it difficult for you to heal it naturally.
Because you can't get a good night's sleep.
You are so convinced that your life is in danger.

His imagination got crazier and crazier, eventually leading to a wild story in which a fight broke out between several agents because of him, and several people lost their lives as a result of it as he fled back to his country.
Of course, that was an incident that happened only in his brain.

4. From delusion to reality

 What was actually happening, in fact, nothing wasn't happening.
It's a common story of an international student who, because of his illness, was unable to distinguish between auditory hallucinations, delusions, and reality, and suddenly locked himself in his room, unable to speak properly.
With the help of his classmates and school teachers who noticed his unusual condition and became concerned, he managed to return to his country safely and save the day.

In other words, it's a common story that we see from time to time, in which a person got a mental illness at the time of staying abroad, but fortunately was able to return to his country safely.
For him, however, it's a hard event that may or may not happen once in his life.

To tell the truth, as I found out later in retrospect, I had been hearing auditory hallucinations from time to time right before I left for China.
And when I went to China and fully engaged my brain in language learning, it was as if a switch was flipped and I began to hear the hallucinations in earnest.

5. After returning to Japan

 In this type of illness, it's important whether or not the patient is aware of the illness.
If the patient is not aware of the illness, it's very difficult to treat it properly.

Even though the drugs prescribed by the hospital helped him to stop hearing the auditory hallucinations, it took him some time before he was able to recognize that almost all of his delusions were due to auditory hallucinations.
However, he had good reason to believe that they must have been auditory hallucinations relatively quickly.

He was in China.
However, almost all of the auditory hallucinations he heard in the absence of Japanese people around him were in Japanese.

6. To close

 Mental illness is a disease that anyone can get, in the proportion of a few percent.
Thanks to recent advances in medicine and treatment methods, about 80% of people recover and many are able to return to society and lead normal lives.
The causes of mental illness vary from person to person.
The human brain is sensitive by nature, and I think that excessive stress and lack of sleep can cause it to break down.

Suicide is the leading cause of death among young people.
And depression caused by some problem is also a kind of mental illness.
In this light, it could be said that many people are dying from mental illness.

I hope that those who are suffering from mental illness now will devote themselves to treatment.
Unlike physical wounds, mental wounds are invisible, but if treated incorrectly, they can lead to death.

I hope this story will be helpful to someone.

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