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Impact of clean meat

1. Clean meat

 Few people know clean meat in Japan.
Clean meat is an alternative term of cultured meat.

This technology has great potential to change the lives of humans.
Many people underestimate this technology now.

This is a very interesting problem in the interdisciplinary area which includes political philosophy, economics, science and technology.

3. People eat meats

 Is there the ways to judge what is cluel about eating anything living?
Killing animals to eat them, breeding and killing animals to eat them.

Is there the ways to separate animals which we can kill or not.
Why can we kill plants though plants are also living?

What is the reason to separate humans and other living things.

3. Religion, thought, belief

 Some religion determines what people should eat and drink.

People who believe some religions can't eat the pork.
People who believe some religions can't eat the beef.
Strict rules of Buddhism prohibit to kill anything.

Vegetarianism and Veganism are not popular in Japan.
Vegetarians and vegans don't eat some or all kinds of foods from the animals.
To understand their beliefs, we need to study a philosophy.

4. Peter Singer

 Peter Singer is very famous.
Animal Liberation by him is one of the greatest ideological grounds of vegetarianism or veganism.

Knowing the facts of the animal testing and the factory farm, some people may be vegetarians or vegans.
If you are interested in it, I recommend a book, Animal Rights.
Animal Rights: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) (Amazon)

This is very short, but a good introduction.

5. TED

 I also recommend TED talk about it.
Jacy Reese Anthis: Why we should end animal agriculture | TED Talk
The End of Animal Farming | Jacy Reese Anthis | TEDxUniversityofMississippi (YouTube)

He criticizes the factory farm.
- Factory farm treats animals as things, it's cruel in morals and ethics.
- Factory farm wastes resources and environments, it also harms the lives of humans.
- It's not efficient to feed animals for killing and eating them.
- Clean meat has great potential to resolve this problem.

Exactly, if the technology of clean meat progresses and spreads, the price of it will be lower.
This means that it can solve the problem in morals, ethics, economics and environments at its root.

To read this article in Japanese

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