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1. Factfulness

FACTFULNESS(ファクトフルネス) 10の思い込みを乗り越え、データを基に世界を正しく見る習慣(Amazon)

It was a very interesting and good book.
I want to recommend it to all my friends.

2. Summary

3. Income and education

 To be honest, I reconfirmed that the life of a human is determined by their income.

There are various countries, races, nations, religions and societies, and various people are living.
I understood that it was dangerous to make too much of the differences between them though it was important to acknowledge the diversity.

Thanks to the analysis by income level (from 1 to 4), we can confirm the fact that the people of the world are living their lives corresponding to their incomes.
Gapminder > Dollar Street

 The more widely the education (espesially, the education of women) is spread, the lower the child mortality and birth rate become.
The people can concentrate their educational investment to less children of them, their educational background become higher.

Maybe this correlation between the higher education and the lower birthrate is correct though I don't know which is first.

4. Terms

 Exactly, it's outdated to separate the 'developed countries' and 'the developing countries'.

It's necessary to confirm the fact by this analysis.
The idea of income level (from 1 to 4) is useful to analyze the economy of the world.

5. How to explain the world

 When I was a student in college, we were reading the paper about the history of Europe at the seminar.
This paper uses a model to explain the political economy.
We discussed about the usefulness of that kind of model.

Someone said that analysis and synthesis is the way to study.
Someone said that it's the difference between thinking subjectively and thinking objectively.

I was surprised to know the existence of the idea that the model wasn't necessary, it was only necessary to describe the facts as the history.
Exactly, historians have written the history by their ways, by their beliefs.

6. Social sciences and natural sciences

 The knowledges of the natural sciences are outdated very very slowly, but the knowledges of the social sciences are outdated very very fast.

Especially in social sciences, if you don't update your knowledges, they will become the wrong knowledges or stereotypes or prejudices in few decades though they are factful now.

This book taught me that.

- To read this article in Japanese

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