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Fate of social science

1. Economics is a science?

 Advanced economics theories are difficult for an amateur to understand.
But, the economics in Japan can not enough influence the economic policies of the government.

Japanese politicians ignore the economics theories?
Or economics theories are too difficult for Japanese politicians to use?
I don't know.

2. Neoliberalism

 Recently, neoliberalism isn't popular in Japan.

The Washington Consensus is correct?
Or the Beijing Consensus is correct?

John Maynard Keynes is right?
Or Milton Friedman is right?

 The theories of the social sciences are outdated faster though the theories of natural sciences are seldom outdated.

The proofs of mathematics discovered by Leonhard Euler and Carl Friedrich Gauss are correct almost forever.
The laws of physics discovered by Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein are correct almost forever.

Advanced economics theories by economists who get the Nobel Prizes are correct almost forever?

3. Fate of social science

 The models of social sciences can explain the economy when it has the conditions required by the models.
If the conditions disappear, the models are useless.

Even though John Maynard Keynes was right, Keynesian economics is not always correct.
Even though Milton Friedman was right, monetarism is not always correct.

 "The knowledges of the natural sciences are outdated very very slowly, but the knowledges of the social sciences are outdated very very fast."
"Especially in social sciences, if you don't update your knowledges, they will become the wrong knowledges or stereotypes or prejudices in few decades though they are factful now."

I think it's the best part of the social sciences.

4. I write blog instead of pamphlet

 Mr. Nobuo Ikeda said that the economists should write down pamphlets about the necessary policies.
パンフレットとしての『一般理論』池田信夫 blog
経済学者の本業は「パンフレット」を書くことである 池田信夫アゴラ

I write down this blog because I want to gaze the abyss of the social sciences.
It's too difficult to understand absolutely, but so interesting.

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." (From Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche)

- To read this article in Japanese

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