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1. Ghost festival

 Obon(お盆) is a traditional Japanese event.
You can search the event, but it's a little difficult to understand the religious origin of it because you need some knowledge of Buddhism.

2. Mulian(目連) legend

 One day Mulian saw his mother in that world.
People in this world(この世) go to that world(あの世) after their death.
Mulian had very strong psychic powers(神通力), so he could look.
His mother had fallen into the hungry ghosts world(餓鬼道) and was suffering from thirst and hunger.
Mulian felt very sorry, so he asked his master, Buddha the way to save his poor mother.

The master said, "On the last day of anju(安居), you should give food to all monks.
Then your mother will receive a portion of your charity."
Mulian did it, and the charity reached to the hungry ghosts world, and his mother was saved with food in her mouth.
This is the reason why many temples hold a Buddhist memorial service for the hungry ghosts on Obon.
(From Yulanpen Sutra)

Anju is also called yuanju(雨安居).
In the rainy season, plants grow and small living things such as insects become more active.
If you go out in such a season, you may step on them.
Therefore, the monks would refrain from going out during the rainy season and concentrate on practicing Buddhism.
This is anju(安居).

3. Folk beliefs

 Obon was originally a Buddhist event.
But it has become a traditional Japanese annual event.
Many companies close for a few days or giving their workers a few holidays.
We call it the Obon holidays.
Many people no longer emphasize Obon as a Buddhist event, they simply enjoy these summer holidays.

The Buddhist event has become a folk belief among many people.
There are many festivals such as welcoming fires, Bon dances, fireworks displays, and sending off fires.
Of course, Buddhist events, such as visiting the grave and Buddhist memorial services at temples, have also been strongly passed down through generations.

From a rational point of view, it is only a kind of summer vacation, so perhaps there is no need for special events.
Tradition has its basis only in the tradition itself, that it has been done for a long time.

To read this article in Japanese

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