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Winston Churchill

" Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.... " (By Winston Churchill ) -  To read this article in Japanese

6. Galactic Station

 Then Giovanni saw Weather Wheel pillar in the right back becoming the vague shape of triangle signal. It was flickering on and off for a while, like a firefly. Then it became clearer and clearer, and finally stopped flickering and stood up on the dark steel-blue field of sky. It stood straight and clear on the field of sky like a freshly burned blue steel slabs.  Then, somewhere, a mysterious voice called out, "Galactic Station, Galactic Station." And suddenly his eyes lit up, as if millions of firefly squids had been fossilized all at once and sunk into the sky. His eyes quickly became brighter, as if someone suddenly turned over and scattered the vajra stones that the diamond companies hid under the pretense that they couldn't be harvested in order to keep the price high. Giovanni couldn't help but rub his eyes a number of times.  He realized that the little train he was riding in had been going on and on 'goto goto goto goto' from a little while ago. Indee

5. Pillar of Weather Wheel

 The back of the farm was a gentle hill. Its black flat top looked vaguely lower than usual, strung together under the northern star of Big Bear.  Giovanni climbed higher and higher along the small wooded path, which was already covered with dew. The small path was lit up by a ray of white starlight through the dark grass and thicket looked like various shapes. Some of the grass had little insects that emitted a brilliant bluish glow. The blue lights shone through from some leaves. Giovanni thought they looked like the light from Japanese snake gourd that everyone had just taken.  Beyond the blackened pines and oak trees, the sky suddenly opened up and Milky Way could be seen cascading from south to north. And the pillar of Weather Wheel at the top could be recognized. The flowers of bellflower or wild chrysanthemum bloomed everywhere, as if their smell had come out of a dream. A bird, singing, passed over the hill.  Giovanni came to the bottom of Weather Wheel pillar at the top and th

Humanoid Monster

"I want to be a human being as soon as possible!" (From Humanoid Monster Bem ) -  To read this article in Japanese


「実際のところ、民主主義は最悪の政治形態と言うことが出来る。これまでに試みられてきた民主主義以外のあらゆる政治形態を除けば、だが。」( ウィンストン・チャーチル ) ・ この記事を英語で読む。

4. Night of Centaur Festival

 Giovanni came down the cypress-lined slope of darkened town with a lonely mouth shaped like when he was whistling.  At the bottom of the slope stood a big single street light, glowing brilliantly pale. Giovanni's shadow silhouette stretched backwards, long and vague, like a ghost until that time. As Giovanni walked down more and more towards the light, the shadow silhouette increasingly became darker and darker and clearer. It came around to Giovanni's side, lifting its legs and waving its hands. Giovanni thought. (I'm a fine locomotive. It's downhill here, so it's fast. I'm going to pass that light now. Hey, now my shadow silhouette is a compass. After turning around it came to the front.) When Giovanni was passing under the light, Zanelli came out of the dark alley on the other side of the light. Zanelli wore a new shirt with a pointed collar. He passed Giovanni in a flash. "Zanelli, You're going to float Japanese snake gourd." Before Giovanni f

3. Home

 Giovanni came back with alacrity. It was a small house in a back town. To the far left of its three entrances, purple kale and asparagus were planted in boxes. Two small windows were left covered by the sunshades. "Mother, I'm home. Are you OK?" Giovanni said as he took off his shoes. "Oh, Giovanni, you've had a rough day at work. It's cooler today. I'm feeling much better."  Giovanni went up, and in the room near the entrance, his mother were resting with a white cloth on her head. Giovanni opened the window. "Mother, I bought sugar cubes for you today. I thought I'd put them in your milk." "Oh, you go ahead. I don't want yet." "Mother, when did big sister go home?" "Yeah, she went home around three o'clock. She did a lot for me." "I wonder if milk for Mother is still not coming." "I also wonder, still not coming." "I'll go to get it." "Oh, I'll eat later


「早く人間になりたい!」(『 妖怪人間ベム 』より) ・ この記事を英語で読む。

Jirō Shirasu

"We may have lost war. But I don't remember as becoming slave." (By Jirō Shirasu ) -  To read this article in Japanese

2. Letterpress workshop

 When Giovanni left the school gate, seven or eight members of his class didn't return home, but instead gathered around a cherry tree in the corner of the schoolyard with Campanella in their midst. They seemed to be talking about taking Japanese snake gourds to make blue lights and float in the river for tonight's star festival.  But Giovanni came out of the school gate with a big wave of his hands. The houses in the town were preparing for tonight's galactic festival by hanging balls of yew leaves and lighting the branches of cypress trees.  Instead of going home, turning three times around town, Giovanni entered the letterpress workshop. Bowing to a man in a baggy white shirt who was standing at the counting table at the entrance, Giovanni took off his shoes, climbed up and opened the large door at the end of the hall. Inside, even though it was still noon, electric lights were on, and many rotary press wheels were going round and round. Many people tying their heads wit

1. Afternoon class

"So you all know what this hazy white thing that was called a river or a trace of milk flow is really?" The teacher asked, pointing to the place that looked like a galactic belt white-smoldering from top to bottom, in a large black picture of constellation hanging on the blackboard.  Campanella raised his hand. Then four or five people raised their hands. Giovanni was also about to raise his hand, but hurriedly stopped. He had read in a magazine that they were all stars, but these days Giovanni was so sleepy in the classroom, and he didn't have time to read or books to read, so he felt as if he didn't know everything anyway.  But the teacher found it early on. "Giovanni, you maybe understand."  Giovanni stood up vigorously, but when he got up he couldn't answer clearly anymore. Zanelli turned around from his seat in front, looked at Giovanni and chuckled. Giovanni was already jittery and turned red. The teacher said again. "If we take a closer look

Transformed human (改造人間, kaizō ningen)

"Transform!" (From Kamen Rider , Takeshi Hongo ) -  To read this article in Japanese


「我々は戦争に負けたが、奴隷になったのではない。」( 白洲次郎 ) ・ この記事を英語で読む。

Japanese short stories translated into English

 I've translated some of the masterpieces that appear in Japanese language textbooks used by school students in Japan into English. You can read Japanese version of all I've translated in this blog for free because whose copyrights had expired. Please check Aozora Bunko . Ryūnosuke Akutagawa ・ The Spider's Thread ( 蜘蛛の糸 , Kumo no Ito) ・ Tu Tze-chun ( 杜子春 , Toshishun) ・ A Lorry ( トロッコ , Torokko) ・ Rashōmon ( 羅生門 ) Atsushi Nakajima ・ The Moon Over the Mountain ( 山月記 , Sangetsuki) Nankichi Niimi ・ A camellia tree to which a cow was tethered  ( 牛をつないだ椿の木 , Ushi wo tsunaida tsubaki no ki) ・ Grandfather's Lamp  ( おじいさんのランプ ) ・ Gon, the Little Fox ( ごん狐 , Gongitsune) ・ Buying Mittens  ( 手袋を買いに ) Kenji Miyazawa ・ Night on the Galactic Railroad  ( 銀河鉄道の夜 , Ginga Tetsudō no Yoru) ・ The Restaurant of Many Orders ( 注文の多い料理店 , Chūmon no ōi ryōriten) ・ Acorns and Wildcat  ( どんぐりと山猫 ) ・ Yamanashi ( やまなし ) ・ The Nighthawk Star ( よだかの星 ) - To private translation of Japanese shor

The Nighthawk Star

 The nighthawk is a truly ugly bird.  The face is speckled, as if coated with miso in places. The beak is flattened, and the mouth looks like it's torn to the ear.  The legs are so weak that they can't walk even about 2 meter.  The other birds were disgusted at the mere sight of Nighthawk's face.  For example, the skylark was not a beautiful bird too. But They thought they were so much better than Nighthawk. When they saw Nighthawk in the evening, they would turn their head to the other side with their eyes closed in disgust. Smaller, more talkative birds would always badmouth Nighthawk right in front of him. "Hmm. There he come again. Oh, look at that figure. He is a true shame of the bird family." "You know, look, that big mouth of him. He must be some kind of relative of the frogs."  This is the way it goes. If he were a mere hawk and not a nighthawk, such a half-baked little birds would shiver and shiver, transforming their expression, shrinking thei


「変身!」(『 仮面ライダー 』 本郷猛 ) ・ この記事を英語で読む。


 学校の国語教科書にも掲載されるような名作の中から、青空文庫でも読める短編小説をいくつか英訳してみました。 芥川龍之介 ・ 蜘蛛の糸 ( The Spider's Thread ) ・ 杜子春 ( Tu Tze-chun ) ・ トロッコ ( A Lorry ) ・ 羅生門 ( Rashōmon ) 中島敦 ・ 山月記 ( The Moon Over the Mountain ) 新美南吉 ・ 牛をつないだ椿の木 ( A camellia tree to which a cow was tethered ) ・ おじいさんのランプ ( Grandfather's Lamp ) ・ ごん狐 ( Gon, the Little Fox ) ・ 手袋を買いに ( Buying Mittens ) 宮沢賢治 ・ 銀河鉄道の夜 ( Night on the Galactic Railroad ) ・ 注文の多い料理店 ( The Restaurant of Many Orders ) ・ どんぐりと山猫 ( Acorns and Wildcat ) ・ やまなし ( Yamanashi ) ・ よだかの星 ( The Nighthawk Star ) ・ 無料で読める!短編小説英訳集(PDF) ・ この記事を英語で読む。

Kōnosuke Matsushita

The path ( 道をひらく , Michi wo hiraku) by  Kōnosuke Matsushita -  To read this article in Japanese


 Two blue pictures of magic lantern depicting the bottom of a small stream.   1, May  Two children crabs were talking at the bottom of the pale water. "Clammbon laughed." "Clammbon laughed 'kapu kapu'." "Clammbon bounced and laughed." "Clammbon laughed 'kapu kapu'."  Above and to the side are blue and dark, looking like steel. Dark bubbles drift across the smooth ceiling. "Clammbon was laughing." "Clammbon was laughing 'kapu kapu'." "Then why did Clammbon laugh?" "I don't know."  Bubbles were flowing down. The children crabs also continued to spit out five or six bubbles 'pop pop pop'. They shimmered and glistened like mercury as they climbed upward at an angle.  A fish went overhead turning over the silver belly. "Clammbon is dead." "Clammbon is killed." "Clammbon is dead........." "Killed." "Then why did they get killed?"

Demon's Hand

"The demon sealed in my left hand, show your power right now!" (From Hell Teacher Nūbē , Meisuke Nueno ) -  To read this article in Japanese


松下幸之助 『 道をひらく 』 ・ この記事を英語で読む。


「我が左手に封じられし鬼よ、今こそその力を示せ!」(『 地獄先生ぬ〜べ〜 』 鵺野鳴介 ) ・ この記事を英語で読む。

The Lone Scalpel

"Though I haven't been able to tell you until now, to be honest, I like Harumi Miyako . I got to like it." (From The Lone Scalpel , Ryoko Nakamura ) -  To read this article in Japanese

Great Teacher Onizuka

"In such a world where we can't say what we want, Poison." (From POISON by Takashi Sorimachi ) -  To read this article in Japanese


1 反比例と点対称  中1の問題集に「反比例のグラフは原点に対して対称」と書いてあった。 これについてまず確認してみたい。 対応する点の座標をそれぞれ$(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2)$とする。 $x_1 = s$とおくと、反比例の式$y = \dfrac{a}{x}$より、対応する点の座標はそれぞれ$(s, \dfrac{a}{s}), (-s, -\dfrac{a}{s})$となる。 よって、$x_2 = -x_1, y_2 = -y_1$である。 2 反比例と線対称  反比例のグラフは線対称でもあることを確認してみたい。 反比例の式を$y = \dfrac{a}{x}$とすると、対称の軸$y = x$(または$y = -x$)と垂直な直線$y = -x + b$(または$y = x + b$)と、反比例のグラフの二交点の中点が対象の軸上にあるはずである。 (1)対象の軸が$y = x$の場合 $\dfrac{a}{x} = -x + b$ $x^2 - bx + a = 0$ $x = \dfrac{b \pm\sqrt{b^2 - 4a}}{2}$ $y = \dfrac{b \mp\sqrt{b^2 + 4a}}{2}$ よって、中点の座標は$\left( \dfrac{b}{2}, \dfrac{b}{2} \right)$となり、これは対処の軸$y = x$上にある。 (2)対象の軸が$y = -x$の場合 $\dfrac{a}{x} = x + b$ $x^2 + bx - a = 0$ $x = \dfrac{-b \pm\sqrt{b^2 + 4a}}{2}$ $y = \dfrac{b \pm\sqrt{b^2 + 4a}}{2}$ よって、中点の座標は$\left( -\dfrac{b}{2}, \dfrac{b}{2} \right)$となり、これは対処の軸$y = -x$上にある。 3  対称性  そもそも対称とは何かと考えると、高校数学までで学ぶ 線対称 や 点対称 の 一般化 まで考えることができる。 そこからさらに進むと高校数学の範囲を越えると思うので、今回はここまでとしたい。


「今までずっと言えませんでしたけれど、私、本当は、 都はるみ が好きなんです。好きになったんです。」(『 孤高のメス 』 中村浪子 ) ・ この記事を英語で読む。


”言いたい事も言えないこんな世の中じゃ、Poison。”( 反町隆史 『 POISON 』より) ・ この記事を英語で読む。


"Sauce Beam!" ( UFO Kamen Yakisoban ) -  To read this article in Japanese

Dio Brando

"The sidewalk is wide enough... Go." (From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 Stardust Crusaders , Dio Brando ) -  To read this article in Japanese


「ソースビーム!」( UFO仮面ヤキソバン ) ・ この記事を英語で読む。


「歩道が広いではないか・・・行け。」(『 ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Part3 スターダストクルセイダース 』 ディオ・ブランドー ) ・ この記事を英語で読む。


"Now, go! Run! ....Just...go... I can't hold up...too much longer!" (From Final Fantasy II , Josef ) -  To read this article in Japanese

The Restaurant of Many Orders

 2 young gentlemen, completely dressed as English soldiers, carrying shiny guns and taking 2 dogs that looked like white bears, were wandering through the rustling leaves deep in the mountains. "These mountains are terrible. There's not a single bird or beast. Whatever it is, I can't wait to shoot the gun, bang, bang." "It would be very satisfying to shoot the yellow side of a deer with a couple of shots. They would spin around and then fall down."  It was so deep in the mountains. That the professional hunter who led them, a little bewildering, went away.  And the mountains were so great that the 2 white-bear-like dogs got dizzy, barked for a while, and then spat out foam and died. "Indeed, I've lost 2,400 yen," said one of the gentlemen, turning the dog's eyelids up a little. "I've lost 2,800 yen," said the other, turning his head in annoyance.  The first gentleman looked a little pale, looked at the other gentleman's fa

Hol Horse

"'The gun is mightier than sword.' Hmm. Such a genius quote." (From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 Stardust Crusaders , Hol Horse ) -  To read this article in Japanese


「さあ、今のうちに逃げろ!・・・・急げ・・・・これ以上もたな・・い・・・・」(『 ファイナルファンタジーII 』 ヨーゼフ ) ・ この記事を英語で読む。

A Lorry

 When the construction of the light railroad between Odawara and Atami began, Ryohei was 8 years old. Every day, Ryohei went to the outskirts of the village to watch the construction. The construction――Just hauling dirt on a trolley――It was fun for him to look.  2 construction workers were standing on the trolley behind a pile of dirt. The trolley came running down the mountain without any help. The body of the trolley moved as if to stir, the hem of the workers' short coats fluttered, and the narrow railroad tracks bent, ――while watching such a scene, Ryohei sometimes wished he could be a construction worker. Sometimes he wanted to ride the trolley, at least once, with the workers. When the trolley came to the flatlands outside the village, it would naturally stop there. At the same time, the workers would jump off the trolley lightly then quickly dump the dirt from the trolley at the end of the railroad. Then they pushed and shoved the trolley and began to climb up the mountain f