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About the Index of National Constitutions


【Japanese】Constitution of Egypt【Index】

 Egypt is part of the Arab and Islamic world, and its official language is Arabic.

 Fortunately, the full English translation and the full Japanese translation are available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

代議院(House of Representatives)、参議院(Senate)、大統領(President)、首相(Prime Minister)、国務院(State Council)、最高憲法裁判所(Supreme Constitutional Court)、軍最高評議会(Supreme Council of the
Armed Forces)

【Japanese】Constitution of Nigeria【Index】

 I was not sure whether to translate "Schedule" into "別表" or "附則".
I decided on "別表" because I think "別表" is more intuitive and easier to understand.

【Key Words】

国民議会(NASS, National Assembly)、上院議長(President of the Senate)、下院議長(Speaker of the House of Representatives)、州議会(House of assembly)、大統領(President)、副大統領(Vice-President)、州知事(Governor)、州副知事(Deputy Governor)、最高裁判所長官(Chief Justice of Nigeria)、州裁判所長官(Chief Judge of the State)、連邦首都地区(Federal Capital Territory)、独立国家選挙管理委員会(INEC, Independent National Electoral Commission)、州独立選挙管理委員会(SIEC, State Independent Electoral Commission)

【Japanese】Constitution of Kenya【Index】

 Kenya has a presidential system.
The parliament was unicameral (National Assembly), but it became bicameral with Senate and National Assembly in 2013.
Kenya was initially centralized, consisting of 8 provinces, but the 2010 Constitution decentralized the nation by dividing it into 47 counties.

 I was not sure whether to translate "Schedule" into "別表" or "附則".
I decided on "別表" because I think "別表" is more intuitive and easier to understand.

【Key Words】

議会(Parliament)、上院(Senate)、下院(National Assembly)、カウンティ議会(County Assembly)、大統領(President)、副大統領(Deputy President)、カウンティ知事(County Governor)、カウンティ副知事(Deputy County Governor)、最高裁判所長官(Chief Justice)、独立選挙区割委員会(Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission)

【Japanese】Constitution of Democratic Republic of Congo【Self-made Index】

 The official language of the Democratic Republic of Congo is French.

 Fortunately, the full English translation is available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

大統領(President)、首相(Prime Minister)、議会(Parliament)、下院(National Assembly)、上院(Senate)、破毀院(Court of Cassation)、国務院(Council of State)、憲法院(Constitutional Court)、州議会(Provincial Assembly)、州知事(Provincial Governor)

【Japanese】Constitution of South Africa【Index】

 South Africa has a presidential system.
The parliament is bicameral with National Assembly and National Council of Provinces.

 It appears that a Japanese translation of the Constitution of South Africa is available on Amazon.

【Key Words】

議会(Parliament)、上院(National Council of Provinces)、下院(National Assembly)、州議会(Provincial Legislature)、自治体議会(Municipal Council)、大統領(President)、州首相(Premier)、州行政評議会(Executive Council)、憲法裁判所(Constitutional Court)、最高控訴裁判所(Supreme Court of Appeal)

【West Asia】

【Japanese】Constitution of Turkey【Index】

 The official language of Turkey is Turkish.

 Fortunately, the full English translation and the full Japanese translation are available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

トルコ大国民議会(Grand National Assembly of Turkey)、大統領(President)、憲法裁判所(Constitutional Court)、高等控訴院(Court of Cassation)、国家評議院(Council of State)

【Japanese】Basic Law of Saudi Arabia【Self-made Index】

 The official language of Saudi Arabia is Arabic.

 Fortunately, the full English translation and the full Japanese translation are available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

国王(King)、皇太子(Crown Prince)、最高司法評議会(Supreme Judiciary Council)、苦情処理委員会(Board of Grievances)、調査委員会(Commission of Inquiry)、検事総長(Attorney-General)、首相(Prime Minister)、閣僚会議(Council of Ministers)、諮問評議会(Shura Council)

【South Asia】

【Japanese】Constitution of Iran【Self-made Index】

 The official language of Iran is Persian.

 Fortunately, the full English translation and the full Japanese translation are available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

イラン・イスラム議会(Islamic Consultative Assembly)、監督者評議会(Guardian Council)、州(Province)、郡(County)、地区(District)、市(City)、村(Village)、州最高評議会(Supreme Council of the Provinces)、最高指導者(Leader)、大統領(President)、閣僚会議(Council of Ministers)、イスラム革命防衛隊(Islamic Revolution Guards Corps)、司法府長官(Chief Justice)、法務大臣(Minister of Justice)、最高裁判所長官(Chief of the Supreme Court)、検事総長(Prosecutor-General)、軍事裁判所(Military Court)、行政裁判所(Court of Administrative Justice)、国家監察庁(National General Inspectorate)

【Japanese】Constitution of Pakistan【Index】

 The national languages of Pakistan is Urdu.
English is used as the official language.

 Fortunately, the full English translation is available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

大統領(President)、国会(Parliament, Majlis-e-Shoora)、国民議会(National Assembly)、元老院(Senate)、首相(Prime Minister)、司法長官(Attorney-General)、州知事(Province Governor)、州議会(Provincial Assembly)、州首相(Chief Minister)、法務長官(Advocate-General)、会計検査院長(Auditor-General)、最高裁判所長官(Chief Justice of Pakistan)

【Japanese】Constitution of India【Index】

 When reviewing the constitutional system of governance, it's necessary to note the parliamentary cabinet system of government in India.
Prime Minister has the real executive power, while President is a ceremonial figure.
The same is true for state governments, Chief Minister has the real executive power, while Governor is a ceremonial figure.

【Key Words】

連邦(Union)、大統領(President)、副大統領(Vice-President)、閣僚会議(Council of Ministers)、首相(Prime Minister)、インド司法長官(Attorney-General for India)、議会(Parliament)、上院(ラージヤ・サバー、Council of States)、下院(ローク・サバー、House of the People)、最高裁判所長官(Chief Justice of India)、州知事(Governor)、州閣僚会議(Council of Ministers)、州首相(Chief Minister)、州法務長官(Advocate-General for the State)、州議会(State Legislature(s))、州上院(Legislative Council of the State)、州下院(Legislative 
Assembly of the State)、州高等裁判所長官(Chief Justice of the High Court)、連邦直轄領(Union territories)、パンチャーヤト(Panchayats)、村民総会(グラム・サバ、Gram Sabha)、市町村(Municipalities)、協同組合(Co-operative societies)、指定カースト(Scheduled Castes)、指定部族(Scheduled Tribes)、アングロ・インディアン・コミュニティ(Anglo-Indian Community)、後進階層(Backward Classes)

【Japanese】Constitution of Bangladesh【Index】

 The official language of Bangladesh is Bengali.

 Fortunately, the full English translation is available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

大統領(President)、首相(Prime Minister)、法務長官(Attorney-General)、国会(Parliament)、最高裁判所(Supreme Court)、会計検査院長(Auditor-General)

【Eeast Asia】

Constitution of the People's Republic of China【Self-made Index】

 The Constitution clearly states the leadership of the state and society by the Chinese Communist Party.
Therefore, when reviewing the constitutional system of governance, it's necessary to note such features of the political system.
For example, in Dalian city, there are Dalian Municipal People's Congress, Mayor of Dalian, Dalian Municipal People's Government.
And the Communist Party organization with Secretary of Dalian Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China as the highest ranking member.

【Key Words】

National People’s Congress (全国人民代表大会), Standing Committee (常務委員会), President (中華人民共和国主席), State Council (国務院), Central Military Commission (中央軍事委員会), Local People's Congresses at All Levels and Local People's Governments at All Levels (地方各級人民代表大会と地方各級人民政府), Autonomous Organs of Ethnic Autonomous Areas (民族自治地方の自治機関), Commissions of Supervision (監察委員会), People's Courts and People's Procuratorates (人民法院と人民検察院)

【Southeast Asia】

【Japanese】Constitution of Vietnam【Self-made Index】

 The official language of Vietnam is Vietnamese.

 Fortunately, the full English translation and the full Japanese translation are available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

民主集中制(Principle of Democratic Centralism)、ベトナム祖国戦線(Vietnam Fatherland Front)、社会主義志向の市場経済(Socialist-Oriented Market Economy)、土地使用権(Land Use Right)、革命人民軍(Revolutionary People's Army)、革命人民警察部隊(Revolutionary People's Police Force)、国会(National Assembly)、国会常務委員会(Standing Committee of the National Assembly)、民族評議会(Ethnic Council)、国家主席(State President)、国防及び国家安全保障評議会(National Defence and Security Council)、国家副主席(Vice President of the State)、政府首相(Prime Minister)、政府副首相(Deputy Prime Ministers)、大臣(Ministers)、省同格機関の長(Heads of Ministerial-Level Agencies)、ベトナム祖国戦線中央委員会委員長(Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front)、最高人民裁判所長官(President of the Supreme People's Court)、最高人民検察院長官(Head of the Supreme People's Procuracy)、人民評議会及び人民委員会(People's Council and People's Committee)、国家選挙評議会(National Election Council)、国家会計検査院長官(State Auditor General)

【Japanese】Constitution of Thailand【Self-made Index】

 The official language of Thailand is Thai.

 Fortunately, the full English translation is available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

国王(King)、枢密院(Privy Council)、枢密顧問官(Privy Councillor)、枢密院議長(President of the Privy Council)、王室(Royal Household)、王室典範(Palace Law)、摂政(Regent)、国民議会(National Assembly)、人民代表院(House of Representatives)、元老院(Senate)、閣僚会議(Council of Ministers)、首相(Prime Minister)、司法裁判所(Courts of Justice)、行政裁判所(Administrative Courts)、軍事裁判所(Military Courts)、憲法裁判所(Constitutional Court)

【Japanese】Constitution of Malaysia【Index】

 The official language of Malaysia is Malay.
English remains a second language.

 Fortunately, the full English translation and the full Japanese translation are available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

元首(Supreme Head)、統治者会議(Conference of Rulers)、首相(Prime Minister)、国会(Parliament)、上院の議長及び副議長(President and Deputy President of Senate)、下院の議長及び副議長(Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives)、州統治者及び知事(State Rulers and Governors)、州憲法(State Constitutions)、州議会(Legislative Assemblies)、国家地方自治評議会(National Council for Local Government)、会計検査院長(Auditor General)、国家財政評議会(National Finance Council)、選挙委員会(Election Commission)、軍評議会(Armed Forces Council)、警察委員会(Police Force Commission)、司法長官(Attorney General)

【Japanese】Constitution of Indonesia【Self-made Index】

 The official language of Indonesia is Indonesian.

 Fortunately, the full English translation and the full Japanese translation are available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

国民協議会(People's Consultative Assembly, MPR-RI)、国民議会(People's Representative Council, DPR-RI)、地方代表議会(Regional Representative Council, DPD)、大統領及び副大統領(President and Vice-President)、諮問会議(Advisory Council)、国務大臣(Ministers of State)、地方議会(Regional People's House of Representatives)、州知事(Governor)、県知事(Regent)、市長(Mayor)、最高裁判所(Supreme Court)、憲法裁判所(Constitutional Court)

【Japanese】Constitution of Philippines【Index】

 It appears that a Japanese translation of the Constitution of Philippines is available on Amazon.

【Key Words】

国会(Congress)、元老院(Senate)、代議院(House of Representatives)、大統領(President)、副大統領(Vice-President)、最高裁判所(Supreme Court)、司法法曹協議会(Judicial and Bar Council)、州、市、町及びバランガイ(Provinces, Cities, Municipalities and Barangays)、自治地域(Autonomous Regions)、地域開発評議会(Regional Development Councils)、汚職特別裁判所(Anti-Graft Court, Sandiganbayan)、オンブズマン事務所(Office of the Ombudsman)、特別検察官事務所(Office of the Special Prosecutor, Tanodbayan)、国家警察委員会(National Police Commission)

【Latin America】

【Japanese】Constitution of Mexico【Self-made Index】

 The official language of Mexico is Spanish.

 Fortunately, the full English translation is available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

連邦議会(Congress)、元老院(Senate)、代議院(House of Representatives)、大統領(President)、国家最高司法裁判所(Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation)、連邦司法会議(Federal Judicial Council)、全国人権委員会(National Human Rights Commission)、全国腐敗行為防止制度(National Anticorruption System)、ムニシピオ(Municipality)、州知事(State Governor)、州議会(State Congress)、州憲法(State Constitution)

【Japanese】Constitution of Peru【Self-made Index】

 The official language of Peru is Spanish.

 Fortunately, the full English translation is available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

議会(Congress)、大統領(President)、首相(President of the Cabinet)、最高裁判所長官(Chief Justice of the Supreme Court)、県(regions)、州(departments)、郡(provinces)、地区(districts)、村(villages)、県議会(Regional Council)、県知事(Regional Governor)、自治体議会(Municipal Council)、自治体の長(Mayor)、憲法裁判所(Constitutional Court)

【Japanese】Constitution of Brazil【Self-made Index】

 The official language of Brazil is Portuguese.

 Fortunately, the full English translation and the partial Japanese translation are available on the Internet.

【Key Words】

州議会(State Legislative Assembly)、州知事(State Governor)、市議会(County Council)、市長(County Prefect)、国会(National Congress)、下院(Chamber of Deputies)、上院(Federal Senate)、大統領(President)、連邦最高裁判所(Supreme Federal Tribunal)、司法最高裁判所(Superior Tribunal of Justice)、検察庁(Public Ministry)、連邦総弁護庁(Public Advocacy)、公設弁護人事務所(Public Defender’s Office)

- To read this article in Japanese

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